  • We share in the fundamental tenets of Christianity as believed by Pentecostal movement in the world over.
  • We share in the belief:
  • That all scriptures are written by men as they were moved by God through divine inspiration.
  • That the God-Head is the unity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (The Trinity) which must not be separated either stylishly or erroneously.
  • That Jesus Christ as God and man is the only way of salvation. He died, buried and resurrected.
  • That the devil and hell are realities.
  • That through the sin of the Federal Headship of mankind (Adam & Eve), all man became sinful and are saved through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
  • That the Holy Spirit is the divine person who dwells in the Christians as the Promise of the Father.
  • That atonement and propitiation can only be attained through the blood and substitutionary death of Jesus Christ.
  • That salvation is by grace and divine healing through atonement.
  • That the new birth and Holy Ghost baptism is of necessity.
  • That water baptism must be by immersion at the age of accountability.
  • That we are of one Church with the body of believers who believe in the same creedal statement with our Church.
  • That lyrics, songs and hymns with musical instruments befitting the Christian worship may be freely used in divine services of the Church.
  • That marriage should be holy between one man as the husband and one woman as the wife for life. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).
  • That Christians should be moderate in matter of dress, wearing apparel and jewellery.
  • That there is life after death and heaven is real.
  • That rapture of the believers in Christ is imminent and shall happen before other end time events.
  • That immediately after rapture, there shall be tribulation of the ungodly who shall remain here on earth.
  • That believers shall give account of their earthly works at the Judgement Seat of Christ and shall be rewarded accordingly.
  • That Christ shall reign 1000 years on earth with all His Saints.
  • That there shall be final judgement where all the ungodly shall be damned to hell fire.
  • That there shall be New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem. The Old Heaven and Earth shall pass away.
  • Declaring that the Statement of Faith shall not be capable of any amendment, addition or alteration whatsoever.

Statement of Objects

The Church is established in accordance with the following Statement of Objects:

  • To reconcile man to man and man to God.
  • To advance the Christian Religion in the United Kingdom and the world or as the Directors may consider appropriate.
  • To advance education with the Christian Principles in the United Kingdom and the world or as the Directors may consider appropriate.
  • To relieve people who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress in the United Kingdom and the world or as the Directors may consider appropriate.
  • To promote individual, corporate and family worship and praise of God and the deepening of spiritual life.
  • To facilitate increased knowledge in God’s word through studying, teaching and preaching of the word of God.
  • To spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through evangelistic outreach.
  • To promote service within the church.
  • To instruct children and adults in the Christian Faith.
  • To promote Christian education and training with special emphasis on children, young people, homes, etc
  • To develop Christian character and leadership.
  • To promote and support financially and otherwise of missionary and evangelical outreach at home and overseas.
  • To promote Christian service within the community.
  • To provide a church and local centre in all States of the United Kingdom for the furtherance of such activities; and in furtherance of the above objects.

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