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The RMCC Stands as a Beacon of Hope

a sanctuary where we embrace this divine mission wholeheartedly

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We Seek to Restore Peace & Unity

for we believe it is in reconciliation that we discover the true path to redemption and salvation

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We Welcome You to RMCC

We extend a heartfelt and warm welcome to you as you enter the virtual doors of The Reconciliation Ministry of Christ Church. We are a faith community deeply rooted in the transformative message of reconciliation, a divine mission that began with a powerful encounter with God.


As you navigate our website, we invite you to explore the various facets of our ministry – from our worship services and educational programs to community outreach initiatives and the inspirational messages we share. We hope that you find here a source of spiritual nourishment and a community of believers who share your desire for reconciliation, love, and faith.


Pastor & Mrs. Solawon

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We are committed to nurturing spiritual growth...

Our programmes are designed to cater for the diverse needs of our congregation and the broader community, providing opportunities for individuals to deepen their faith and embrace a life of purpose. They are:

  • Christian Theology School

  • Youth Seminar

  • Marriage Seminar

  • Leadership Training

  • Evangelical Outreaches

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Maecenas facilisis erat id odio

There are many variations of passages of is psum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some we form, by injected humour

Phasellus et vehicula nulla

There are many variations of passages of is psum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some we form, by injected humour

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Church Leadership

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Ebenezer A. Solawon

Pastor in Charge

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Modupeoluwa Solawon


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Modupeoluwa Solawon


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