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The Reconciliation School of Christian Theology stands out as a beacon of spiritual and academic excellence, fostering an environment conducive to the pursuit of a deeper understanding of Christian principles and their application in society.

The school’s curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cater to students at various stages of their theological education, ranging from a foundational General Certificate to comprehensive Bachelors Degree courses. Each program is meticulously structured to guide students on an enlightening journey through Christian theology, scripture, history, and practice.

We’ve provided an in-depth description of the curriculum offerings for each program stage at the Reconciliation School of Christian Theology below.

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General Certificate – 6 Months

The General Certificate course serves as an entry point for those new to theological studies or seeking to refresh their knowledge. This six-month program introduces foundational Christian doctrines, biblical studies, church history, and basic pastoral care.

  • Biblical Studies:

The curriculum commences with an exploration of the Old and New Testaments, equipping students with a broad understanding of biblical narratives, characters, and essential themes. Emphasis is placed on the historical and cultural context of the scriptures to enrich students’ interpretation and comprehension.

  • Christian Doctrines:

Students delve into core Christian beliefs, such as the nature of God, the person of Jesus Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the concept of salvation. The course encourages learners to contemplate these doctrines’ implications for personal faith and church life.

  • Church History:

A survey of church history from the apostolic age to the present allows students to appreciate the evolution of Christian thought and practice. This module highlights notable theological developments, significant church figures, and key events that have shaped Christianity.

  • Pastoral Care Basics:

Participants receive an introduction to pastoral care, focusing on the art of compassionate listening, counselling theory, and practical skills required for effective ministry within a church setting. Scenarios are given to learners to apply these principles in simulated pastoral settings.

Diploma – 18 Months

Building on the foundation laid in the General Certificate, the Diploma program extends over 18 months, offering a more profound theological engagement with additional emphasis on ministerial skills and scriptural exegesis.

  • Advanced Scriptural Studies:
Students undertake an intensive examination of the Bible, employing hermeneutical methods to interpret difficult texts and apply them constructively in modern-day contexts. Special attention is given to exegetical skills, enabling learners to articulate biblical insights confidently.
  • Systematic Theology:
This module systematically explores the different areas of theology, such as ecclesiology, eschatology, soteriology, and Christology. Learners are encouraged to develop a cohesive theological framework that supports their personal belief system and ministerial approach.
  • Worship and Liturgy:
Understanding the principles and practices of Christian worship and liturgy is vital for prospective ministry leaders. This course covers the theology underlying worship, different worship styles, and the role of sacraments and other rites in diverse Christian traditions.
  • Practical Ministry Skills:
Students gain hands-on experience with various aspects of ministry, including sermon preparation, church administration, leadership development, and conflict resolution. Role-playing exercises and supervised ministry placements allow for practical application in real-world scenarios.

Bachelors Degree – 4 Years

The Bachelors Degree provides comprehensive theological training over four years, combining rigorous academic study with spiritual formation and practical ministry preparation, advancing learners towards mastery in their theological understanding and ministerial proficiency.

  • In-depth Biblical Exegesis:

Students undergo advanced training in biblical exegesis, dissecting complex biblical passages and employing critical scholarly commentary to elucidate text meanings. Emphasis is laid upon the original languages of Scripture, with elementary courses in Hebrew and Greek.

  • Historical Theology:

This aspect of the curriculum examines the development of Christian theology through various eras, including the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern periods. Exploring theological controversies and ecumenical councils contributes to a nuanced understanding of historic and contemporary Christian doctrine.

  • Ethics and Social Justice:

The programme instills a robust ethical framework grounded in Christian principles, addressing contemporary social justice issues like poverty, inequality, and environmental stewardship. Students are tasked with developing theologically informed responses to pressing societal challenges.

  • Intercultural Studies and Missions:

Recognising the global context of Christianity, the curriculum incorporates intercultural studies to prepare students for effective cross-cultural ministry. The role of missions in the expansion of Christianity and the importance of sensitivity to cultural variations are emphasised.

  • Advanced Pastoral Care:

This module equips learners with sophisticated pastoral skills required for counselling, crisis intervention, and spiritual guidance. Case studies and supervised pastoral placements enhance their readiness to minister within diverse pastoral contexts.

Our Facilities

Global Certificate

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Alumni Support

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Books & Library

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Meet our Teachers

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Damian Green
Rebeak Alig
Instructor, Art
Mark Alen
Instructor, Math
Hanna Ben
Instructor, Physics

What Students Say

I recommend these courses to everyone, and wish you, guys, luck with the new studies! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing.

Mark Alen


I am grateful for your wonderful course! Your tutors are the best, and I am completely satisfied with the level of professional teaching.

James Smith

CFO Apple Corp

I am grateful for your wonderful course! Your tutors are the best, and I am completely satisfied with the level of professional teaching.

John Dowson


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